Tax Software vs. an Accountant: What’s the Difference?
Aug 16, 2022 By Triston Martin


In this guide we will compare Tax Software vs. an Accountant. When dealing with certain aspects of taxes, it's possible that hiring an experienced accountant is the best course of action you can take. If you don't have the time or patience to complete your taxes, hiring an accountant should help you save money in the long run. Those with more complex tax situations may find that working with an accountant is advantageous. If you seek a professional perspective, hiring an accountant rather than using TurboTax will likely provide you with deeper insight into your current financial condition than using the software.

It will consider various aspects associated with your way of life, employment, and enterprise. Consider getting the opinion of a certified public accountant if the state of your finances has also undergone significant shifts. They will be able to assist you in managing the situation and avoiding any tax complications. Finally, if you are dubious about your ability to compute your taxes on your own, it is best to seek the advice of a professional accountant. By avoiding typical mistakes, you can save money in the long run.

The Benefits Obtained from Utilizing Tax Software

There is no understanding that if you prepare your taxes yourself rather than hiring a CPA, you will save money using tax preparation software (CPA). The price of tax preparation software can range anywhere from zero dollars for easy returns to several hundred dollars for more complex situations. On the other hand, hiring even the most inexpensive tax preparers will cost you a minimum of $100, and hiring a CPA would almost certainly cost you twice as much. If you choose to do your taxes yourself using tax software rather than hiring an accountant, you have the potential to save money upfront, which is one of the most appealing elements of doing your taxes.

Quickness: If you have everything you need on hand, you can complete your taxes in under an hour. On the other side, preparing your papers and submitting your forms may take top accountants a few days to a few weeks. By guiding you through each step, good tax software makes filing your taxes a breeze. You generally don't need to speak with a financial advisor if your income, deductions, and assets are all very straightforward.

Disadvantages of Tax Preparation Software

There are advantages to using tax preparation software but also disadvantages to consider.

  • It could take some time if you don't know how to efficiently put together your financial data the way an accountant does. You might spend a lot of time completing your taxes.
  • It might be difficult: Because it's their area of expertise, accountants can assist you in organizing your taxes with a professional eye. However, you can encounter difficulties. Small business owners who don't have access to tax professionals may find it difficult to manage complicated tax situations.
  • No piece of software is 100% accurate, so, probably, this one isn't. Errors could occur, and a compilation error could completely change the trajectory. Anyone who has dealt with software or computer science will attest that one missed bracket can completely change the output. Your inaccurate information could cause future blunders that will be very expensive.
  • You are ultimately responsible for filing your income tax return, even if you use tax preparation software. In the case of an audit, you would be solely responsible for any errors in your documents.

The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Accountant

Thanks to software developments, modern systems can swiftly scan data and group it into useful categories like line items and forms. Due to the extensive use of automation in these procedures, the possibility of making a mistake that could adversely affect your tax return has diminished.

  • Personal Relationships: Finding an accountant who is familiar with your family and can assist you in reaching your financial goals is just as important as finding a family doctor who is knowledgeable about your medical history. A tax preparer may assist you in various ways, such as reducing your capital gains tax and making the most tax-effective college savings plans for your children.
  • Any worries? Consult a CPA. Year-Round: Not simply during your annual review, a trustworthy accountant will be able to help you all year long.
  • Are taxpayers involved in difficult business and financial situations may be able to work out their taxes on their own, but is the effort worthwhile? CPAs save time when dealing with complex issues.


Tax preparation software is adequate for most people and their straightforward tax returns. However, you should seek professional assistance if you want the individualized attention that only an accountant can offer or if your tax situation is too complex for software.